Python Fruit Machine


Create a new Python file called Fruit STEP 2: Add the following code to your program. Save and run the code to make sure it works. Here we set up a function called fruitmachine and call it at the bottom of our code. We also get some user input. Remember indenting is very important!! STEP 3: Now let’s set up an Array. I'd say you should encapsulate as much of your code as possible into functions and classes, limiting the global state when possible. This serves two purposes - the first is that it improves debugging (by limiting the odds that something unintentionally alters global state) and readability (by making it easier to understand what everything does).

Oct-17-2017, 07:17 PM
I need to make a fruit machine in Python. The fruits/items spinning are Cherry, Lemon, Bell, Star and Skull. The Success criteria is •
• If two symbols are rolled the user wins 50p.
• If two skulls are rolled user loses £1, if three skulls are rolled loses all money.
• If you get 3 of the same you get £1, if 3 bells rolled £5.
• Starts with £1, each go costs 20p.

Every time I run the code and I get two of the same items it doesn't add 50p to the credit or add £1 and the credit doesn't properly show for example ... if 1 go costs 20p and I start off with £1 that's 80p. But when I win 50p the new credit should be £1.30 which is not the case. I need help fixing and improving my code.
Oct-17-2017, 07:44 PM
Line 37 should use 'and' instead of 'or'. Think about it: for that to be False, start would have to be 'quit' and 'roll' at the same time, which is impossible (for a string). It's continuing every time through the loop, and never checking the results.
You should also move the if block starting at line 42 and ending at line 44. As it is now, if you have enough money for one last spin, it will just take that money but it won't spin.
Craig 'Ichabod' O'Brien -
I wish you happiness.
Recommended Tutorials: BBCode, functions, classes, text adventures
Oct-17-2017, 07:56 PM

Each time you roll, you reset the credit to 1. If you want that to persist, set it before you start looping.
Fruit machine python program
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Python Fruit Machine Games

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Python Fruit Machine Game